You are researching: Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm)
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AUTHOR Salar Amoli, Mehdi and Anand, Resmi and EzEldeen, Mostafa and Geris, Liesbet and Jacobs, Reinhilde and Bloemen, Veerle
Title Development of 3D Printed pNIPAM-Chitosan Scaffolds for Dentoalveolar Tissue Engineering [Abstract]
Year 2024
Journal/Proceedings Gels
While available treatments have addressed a variety of complications in the dentoalveolar region, associated challenges have resulted in exploration of tissue engineering techniques. Often, scaffold biomaterials with specific properties are required for such strategies to be successful, development of which is an active area of research. This study focuses on the development of a copolymer of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) and chitosan, used for 3D printing of scaffolds for dentoalveolar regeneration. The synthesized material was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and the possibility of printing was evaluated through various printability tests. The rate of degradation and swelling was analyzed through gravimetry, and surface morphology was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Viability of dental pulp stem cells seeded on the scaffolds was evaluated by live/dead analysis and DNA quantification. The results demonstrated successful copolymerization, and three formulations among various synthesized formulations were successfully 3D printed. Up to 35% degradability was confirmed within 7 days, and a maximum swelling of approximately 1200% was achieved. Furthermore, initial assessment of cell viability demonstrated biocompatibility of the developed scaffolds. While further studies are required to achieve the tissue engineering goals, the present results tend to indicate that the proposed hydrogel might be a valid candidate for scaffold fabrication serving dentoalveolar tissue engineering through 3D printing.
AUTHOR Aizarna-Lopetegui, Uxue and García-Astrain, Clara and Renero-Lecuna, Carlos and González-Callejo, Patricia and Villaluenga, Irune and del Pozo, Miguel A. and Sánchez-Álvarez, Miguel and Henriksen-Lacey, Malou and Jimenez de Aberasturi, Dorleta
Title Remodeling arteries: studying the mechanical properties of 3D-bioprinted hybrid photoresponsive materials [Abstract]
Year 2023
Journal/Proceedings J. Mater. Chem. B
3D-printed cell models are currently in the spotlight of medical research. Whilst significant advances have been made{,} there are still aspects that require attention to achieve more realistic models which faithfully represent the in vivo environment. In this work we describe the production of an artery model with cyclic expansive properties{,} capable of mimicking the different physical forces and stress factors that cells experience in physiological conditions. The artery wall components are reproduced using 3D printing of thermoresponsive polymers with inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) representing the outer tunica adventitia{,} smooth muscle cells embedded in extracellular matrix representing the tunica media{,} and finally a monolayer of endothelial cells as the tunica intima. Cyclic expansion can be induced thanks to the inclusion of photo-responsive plasmonic NPs embedded within the thermoresponsive ink composition{,} resulting in changes in the thermoresponsive polymer hydration state and hence volume{,} in a stimulated on–off manner. By changing the thermoresponsive polymer composition{,} the transition temperature and pulsatility can be efficiently tuned. We show the direct effect of cyclic expansion and contraction on the overlying cell layers by analyzing transcriptional changes in mechanoresponsive mesenchymal genes associated with such microenvironmental physical cues. The technique described herein involving stimuli-responsive 3D printed tissue constructs{,} also described as four- dimensional (4D) printing{,} offers a novel approach for the production of dynamic biomodels.
AUTHOR Lin, Che-Wei and Su, Yu-Feng and Lee, Chih-Yun and Kang, Lin and Wang, Yan-Hsiung and Lin, Sung-Yen and Wang, Chih-Kuang
Title 3D printed bioceramics fabricated using negative thermoresponsive hydrogels and silicone oil sealing to promote bone formation in calvarial defects [Abstract]
Year 2020
Journal/Proceedings Ceramics International
The purpose of the present work was to investigate the potential for application and the effectiveness of osteoconductive scaffolds with bicontinuous phases of 3D printed bioceramics (3DP-BCs) based on reverse negative thermoresponsive hydrogels (poly[(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-(methacrylic acid)]; p(NiPAAm-MAA)). 3DP-BCs have bioceramic objects and microchannel pores when created using robotic deposition additive manufacturing. We evaluated the benefits of silicone oil sealing on the 3DP-BC green body during the sintering process in terms of densification and structural stability. The shrinkage, density, porosity, element composition, phase structure and microstructural analyses and compression strength measurements of sintered 3DP-BC objects are presented and discussed in this study. In addition, the results of cell viability assays and bone healing analyses of the calvarial bone defects in a rabbit model were used to evaluate 3DP-BC performance. The main results indicated that these 3DP-BC scaffolds have optimal continuous pores and adequate compressive strength, which can enable the protection of calvarial defects and provide an environment for cell growth. Therefore, 3DP-BC scaffolds have better new bone regeneration efficiency in rabbit calvarial bone defect models than empty scaffolds and mold-forming bioceramic scaffolds (MF-BCs).
AUTHOR Kesti, Matti and M{"{u}}ller, Michael and Becher, Jana and Schnabelrauch, Matthias and D{textquoteright}Este, Matteo and Eglin, David and Zenobi-Wong, Marcy
Title A versatile bioink for three-dimensional printing of cellular scaffolds based on thermally and photo-triggered tandem gelation [Abstract]
Year 2014
Journal/Proceedings Acta Biomaterialia
Abstract Layer-by-layer bioprinting is a logical choice for the fabrication of stratified tissues like articular cartilage. Printing of viable organ replacements, however, is dependent on bioinks with appropriate rheological and cytocompatible properties. In cartilage engineering, photocrosslinkable glycosaminoglycan-based hydrogels are chondrogenic, but alone have generally poor printing properties. By blending the thermoresponsive polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) grafted hyaluronan (HA-pNIPAAM) with methacrylated hyaluronan (HAMA), high-resolution scaffolds with good viability were printed. HA-pNIPAAM provided fast gelation and immediate post-printing structural fidelity, while {HAMA} ensured long-term mechanical stability upon photocrosslinking. The bioink was evaluated for rheological properties, swelling behavior, printability and biocompatibility of encapsulated bovine chondrocytes. Elution of HA-pNIPAAM from the scaffold was necessary to obtain good viability. HA-pNIPAAM can therefore be used to support extrusion of a range of biopolymers which undergo tandem gelation, thereby facilitating the printing of cell-laden, stratified cartilage constructs with zonally varying composition and stiffness.